In Platonic theory of spacetime, Einstein’s quest to know ‘God's thoughts’ is shaped as the quest to understand the 'thoughts’ of Platonic World (book.pdf), the source of matter and psyche (p. 6 in quanta.pdf). In practical terms, a new natural science, nested at the interface of life science, psychology and physics, has been proposed: spacetime engineering. It studies the future states of matter and psyche along the arrow of Time, and offers a number of predictions (Sic!) about new effects of gravity, such as REIM: read pp. 7-8 in Modified Gravity and pp. 7-8 in canvas.pdf. My main report Gravitational Wave Parapsychology (pp. 18-20 in GWP.pdf) is ready to be reviewed. The fake GW150914 was a Big Dumb Dirty Lie (p. 3 in Spacetime Engineering 101).
The Platonic theory of spacetime is my counterproposal to the speculative theories of the human brain and its mind, suggested by many prominent physicists. They utterly need Mathematics to understand Time and gravity, and develop their theory of quantum gravity. They will have to resolve their unsolved problems. The ball is in their court. Read 'the rule', VL1, my book, the continuum, Wolfram, FI.pdf, arrow, Slide 1, two modes, and Force.pdf.
NB: My appeal is to mathematicians, as we all need Mathematics. Physicists are notoriously disinterested in any new physics: read Max Planck from 1936 on p. 27 in Newton.pdf.
Besides, what if God is unique mathematical object, thanks to which the 4D partition of the universe "flies" (John A. Wheeler)?
There is no "negative mass" nor "spacetime curvature" (Fig. G on p. 15 in Newton.pdf). There is no gravity in the quantum world nor "dark energy". I propose unique modifications of quantum theory and of theory of relativity, thanks to which the two can be united into quantum gravity based on the Heraclitean arrow of spacetime. The physical world is made of light, which lives in the atemporal Platonic world (not in some "vacuum") and casts its "shadows" on the 4+0 D spacetime as "collapsed" photons and retarded light. The problem of GR is spelled out in textbooks: the energy from gravity. The new dynamical geometry of 4+0 D spacetime not only reflects the local relationship between geometry and matter, but also has a new additional quasi-local component from the entire Universe, which shows up as local Fifth Force. Hence the two modes of 4+0 D spacetime annonced on 21 September 2008, and my two proposals from 4 September 1998 and 16 November 2021.
Read The Fifth Force: Proof of Concept and the reports below. The force of Life is the force of Time: The Fifth Force. It (not "He") springs from the Unmoved Mover (p. 5 in The Arrow of Spacetime)
and empowers the arrow of causality, gravity, and the brain. Read the essay on gravity here and the balance (not "conservation") of mass-energy here. We need quantum gravity (read below) and unlimited clean energy. Check out my proposal for producing electricity here and the proof of concept at Vimeo. The alternative project called ITER is destined to fail miserably. You just can't fool Nature.
Time and gravity are manifestations of the fifth force. The Platonic theory of spacetime is not some bi-metric gravitational theory of "two parallel universes with an opposite arrow of time" (Wikipedia). The 4D partition of the universe is "flying" along the non-relational arrow of Time (arrow of spacetime): you cannot look twice
at the same river (Heraclitus). With light (p. 4 in Time.pdf), we see only the 4D physical universe in its irreversible past (Q): Time (τ) is imaginary variable. We cannot observe any "direction" (W) of the non-relational arrow of Time driven by the the fifth force. We only see the self-acting 'glove' (pp. 7-9 in Spacetime Engineering 201) and only once-at-a-time. Only matter interacts with matter; the spacetime itself does not have any mass-energy. The work is done by the self-acting dressed 'glove' endowed with fifth force. Read again about the two components of Time here. The self-acting fifth force solves the problems of quantum reality and "dark energy" en bloc.
My name is Dimitar G. Chakalov (pronounced tcha-KA-lov). I am the founder
of spacetime engineering. It is a new field of natural science, nested at the
interface of life science, psychology, and physics. It studies and explores
our ability to control all physical systems by altering their future state, as
they evolve along the arrow of Time. I believe have discovered the force of Life (気)
in physics and cosmology, ensuing from the principle of quantum theory (Erwin Schrödinger). We need the hyperimaginary numbers and new mathematics. As a warm up, try to prove space-orientability. Or use your skills to explain how gravity produces work, for example, in Earth tides by (longitudinal?) GWs. My theory of non-linear gravitational radiation (nothing to do with LIGO) is based on the proposal by Sir
Arthur Eddington from 1920, and explains the fake "GW 170817" from the outset.

NB: Spacetime engineering is not some “magic”. Any sufficiently advanced technology (see here) is indistinguishable from “magic” (Arthur C. Clarke). If you are not
interested in quantum gravity and cosmology, and only wish to be entertained,
watch Chinese acrobats, Wang Yifeng (Yif) and his British colleague.
Or have a drink instead.
Download this webpage (frontpage.pdf) and the entire website in a zip file (95,317,621 bytes), and unpack it on your hard drive/cloud. Read here:
The Fifth Force (Force.rar, 24,738,036 bytes),
The Arrow of Spacetime (23 June 2022),
The General Rule 1 + 0 = 1 (30 April 2022, 6 pages),
The Bridge (27 March 2022, 5 pages),
Spacetime Engineering 201 (6 January 2022, 13 pages),
Where Does Knowledge Come From? (17.11.2021, 9 pages),
Notes on Spacetime Engineering (24.09.2021, 31 pages),
What will be the fate of spacetime engineering? (2.09.2021, 1 page),
Note on Physical Theology (30.08.2021, 1 page),
The Physics of Life (25.08.2021, 28 pages),
Quantum of Spacetime: Zenon Connection (25.04.2021, 26 pages),
Experimental Tests of Spacetime Engineering (8.01.2021, 15 pages),
Is There Gravitational Energy? (28.12.2020, 10 pages),
Can Penguins Drink Warm Water? (24.07.2020, 11 pages),
Can Geometry Produce Work? (21.06.2020, 48 pages),
Quantum Spacetime (14.03.2017, 20 slides),
Über Die Gravitationsfeldrelativitätstheorie (20.03.2020, 16 pages),
Gravitational Energy (22.02.2020, 13 pages),
How to Bind Matter to Matter? (5.02.2020, 6 pages),
Brain-Controlled Cold Plasma (27.11.2019, 28 pages),
Time and Continuum: Zenon Manifold (15.08.2019, 31 pages),
The Physics of Life: Flipping a Quantum Coin (20.01.2019, 14 pages),
Spacetime Engineering (2.04.2019, 16 pages), and
Platonic Theory of Spacetime (10.02.2019, 46 pages).
Regarding GW parapsychology, read Kip Thorne and examine the bold facts at pp. 1-6 in The so-called GW150914 is FRAUD and pp. 28-31 in Notes on Spacetime Engineering. Forget GW parapsychology.
GR is still a work in progress, at best. Try to count the factual errors in G.F.R. Ellis' speculations here and here, and in my essay on gravity.

NB: In the current mathematical models of 4D spacetime, the spacetime manifold is neither time-orientable nor space-orientable. That's a fact. It makes the arrow of causality some kind of "supernatural magic". In GR textbooks (MTW p. 467), there is no dynamics of spacetime: "nothing ever moves therein; nothing happens; nothing changes" (Bob Geroch). If that was true, Nature must use some occult "dark energy" to create the cosmological time. The so-called "dark energy" is sheer parascience. It is just pathetic, like the mythical "Higgs boson": why is the universe larger than a football? There's no answer from the reputed academic scholars.
The only possible solution is the Fifth Force in RS spacetime.

Recall the dynamical balance of mass-energy here. Regarding the dynamics and topology of 4+0 dimensional spacetime, manifested in the arrow of Time (arrow of spacetime), read the excerpt below (p. 24 in Notes on Spacetime Engineering).

God (John 1:1; 1 John 4:8) exists at point zero/infinity (AAS), in line with the doctrine of trialism. This is my approach to quantum gravity, physical theology, and spacetime engineering.
Notice that I am interested only in the new hyperimaginary numbers, which may offer solutions to various problems in number theory, point-set topology (Wolfram), and set theory. Any issue,
which is not directly related to the hyperimaginary numbers, will
be ignored.
On a different note: Three years ago, on 15 March 2021, I suggested a new hybrid EU currency GULDEN (GLD)
and sent ECB_Gulden.pdf to the European Central Bank (ECB)
and to
many financial experts. The detailed proposal is available
upon request. We must protect the Euro from the crash of US dollar (Willem Middelkoop), which may be seven to ten years away.
Or perhaps much closer, as we are now dragged into severe dogfights with Hitler Putin.
D. Chakalov
Winners don’t quit and quitters don’t win.
11 March 2024, 14:00 GMT

The Arrow of Spacetime
The arrow of spacetime suggests non-trivial topology of spacetime by incorporating a Platonic atemporal phenomenon “outside” 4D spacetime, dubbed matrix (p. 4). The local
properties of matter and fields are bundled with the
global properties of the spacetime en bloc, following the rule ‘think globally act locally’. Hence the
entire Universe is animated by the Unmoved Mover and the fifth force, and is modeled as a brain.

Heraclitus.pdf (14 pages), news_tensor.pdf and time-direction.pdf
23 June 2022

The Fifth Force
The living force, known as Ki (気), is the fifth fundamental force of Nature.
It (not “He”) empowers all living organisms, quantum and gravitational
systems, and the 4D world. It is grounded on Aristotle’s Unmoved Mover.

video.pdf, 8 pages. Also talk.pdf and RS.pdf.
23 June 2022
Macroscopic quantum tunneling

Notice at 00:30 the distinctive 'click' from the metal coin trespassing
the glass table, which requires energy. Here the academic scholars go
blindly into denial and ignore this anomalous experimental fact,
along with many similar ones. But they are only the tip of the iceberg.

What are the basic building blocks of the universe?
What are the forces by which they interact with one another?
Why is the universe larger than a football ?

Dedicated to 138th birthday of Albert Einstein, 14 March 2017

Regarding Slides 10 and 15, check out Ivo van Vulpen at this http URL:
"Why is the universe larger than a football ?"
D. Chakalov, March 14, 2017, 00:51 GMT

If you have questions about the fifth force and my experimental work, follow strictly the instructions (1)-(2)-(3) at p. 5 in explanation.pdf.
First things first.
Then I will glady upload the 'proof of concept' from my
Google Drive to Vimeo and send you the link. Read p. 8 in The Fifth Force.

Recall that on 17 August 2017, 70 observatories detected EM radiation (gamma-ray bursts), which could have originated from the gravitational Fifth Force propagating in mixed (longitudinal and transverse) modes, like the quasi-local holomovement of fish (forget GWs). If true, it might be possible to create (Sic!) mass-energy and transport it quasi-localy with gravitational quasiparticles. I believe can suggest a new path to quantum gravity based on experiments and observations, similar to the "anomalous" fact that stones can fall from the sky (p. 4 in The Fifth Force). My proposal for producing unlimited electricity is here (compare it to 30 May 2002). What more do you need?
NB: If I am on the right track, there will be no need to burn coal or gas to produce electricity, nor to build new nuclear plants to reach carbon neutrality in 2050. We may have it by 2030. Time is running out!

Meanwhile, the gigantic pathetic enterprise called ITER is slowly moving toward its dead-end, like a multi-billion euro Titanic. Nobody is interested in the force of gravity (p. 5): watch a clip here and recall the problem of energy in GR here. There’s none so deaf as those who will not hear.
How time slows down in attractive gravity (p. 5 in text.pdf) in order to keep the "speed" of light constant? Read NB on p. 5 in RS Spacetime.
Again, the origin of gravity is the same global phenomenon assembling the Small and the Large, only applied locally. We have attractive gravity from the local fifth force that shrinks the metric, and repulsive gravity from the local fifth force that inflates the metric without any "expansion" from some mythical supernatural "dark energy".

NB: Again, there is no "negative mass". There is no gravity in the quantum world. I propose unique modifications of quantum theory and of theory of relativity, thanks to which the two can be united into quantum gravity based on the arrow of spacetime. The physical world is made of light, as light lives in the atemporal Platonic world (not in "vacuum") and casts its "shadows" or "jackets" in the 4+0 D spacetime as "collapsed" photons and retarded light. This is how the 4D partition of the universe "flies" (John A. Wheeler).
But nobody cares, including the experts in climate change. Read here:
My latest video about the Fifth Force, announced on 23 June 2022, demonstrates the proof of concept: The Fifth Force: Proof of Concept (link upon request); text here.
For a historical outlook, read Albert Einstein from November 1918 (Die Naturwissenschaften 48 (1918) 697-702, S. 700):
"Man kann deshalb weder sagen, das Gravitationsfeld an einer Stelle sei
etwas "Reales", noch es sei etwas "bloß Fiktives"." Nature is made of
both physical world in the irreversible past and Platonic reality in the potential future "just in the middle between possibility and reality" (Werner Heisenberg). The Platonic reality shows up in the physical world as 'Platonic hand in a 4D glove' (matrix.jpg). Read p. 2, p. 15, and pp. 17-20 in talk.pdf. Then comes the doctrine of trialism based on the proposal by Leibniz about the common source of matter & psyche (dubbed "trunk"): the monad without windows. Read How to Bind Matter to Matter here and click matrix.jpg below.

Do you need help to understand the two modes of 4+0 D spacetime and learn spacetime engineering? Read the first paragraph above and the instructions in SEM.pdf. The scope of spacetime engineering is to avoid the upcoming climate crisis. Time is running out!
D. Chakalov <[email protected]>
(pronounced tcha-KA-lov)
October 21, 2013
Initial version: 20 October 2013, 20:45 GMT
Latest update: 11 March 2024, 14:00 GMT